HISTORY  |  La Jarita Cottage

La Jarita, home of a humble family, reflects in its architecture the various elements indispensable for life in the countryside.
The oven, which represents FIRE, where the rye bread and some typical dishes of the island’s cuisine, such as quesadillas, mantecados, muffins …

The house is located in an area near a ravine, where puddles were formed that were used for the beasts at the same time has a stone to wash by hand and surrounded by a tajea (channel) to collect the WATER from the rain directing it towards the Cistern (well) of the house, for the consumption of the family and the animals.

AIR. Very close to the house is the era (rounded area of firm floor), where the different grains were flung and separated from the pasture for family consumption, lentils, rye, barley …

And finally, GROUND, which is represented in the surroundings of the dwelling, where the crops of vegetables and legumes necessary for the life of the field were carried out, which they often kept in the cupboard (pantry embedded in the stone wall of the Salon, to keep some food fresh).

As we can see the four elements of life represented in the day to day of the house of the early.


Calle Asomada del Pueblo, S/N (38914) El Pinar, El Hierro – Santa Cruz de Tenerife


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